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Recorded live on 5-26-2018 in Clinton, NJ. Guided meditation by Brigitte Boyea along with live music played by Mike Snyder.


The Festival of Humanity also known as the World Invocation Day is
celebrated on the day of the full moon that follows the Wesak Festival.
All light workers around the world gather this day to join in their
efforts to bring healing and restoring forces to humanity for a better
future for us all.
With all the continued consciousness shifts that are taking place
everywhere this year, we can feel the forces of transformation hitting
us with great intensity. No-one stays untouched by this. Anything that
hinders our divine expression on Earth and our role within the divine
plane is being released through continued physical, emotional and
mental purging. Only our willingness to fully surrender to our Divine I
Am Presence to guide and direct us in this process will bring about the
much needed change in a peacefull and effortless way.
Therefore let us come together to support Earth in her awakening
process with the power of invocation and by bringing our focus back to
those areas in our life where harmony, balance, beauty, love and
compassion are needed the most.
This evening St. Germain, channeled by Brigitte, will assist by focusing
the group energy to affect Earth and all of Earth's inhabitants in the
most beneficial way. He will also attune everyone present to become
more efficient mediators between all opposing forces in our own lives
as well as to help anchor more of a global peace consciousness of
oneness here on Earth as part of the ascension process.
We all chose to be in service to the Light. This is a great opportunity to
fulfill this commitment.
Mike Snyder, a powerful instrument of the Hierarchy of Light, will
channel the higher frequencies of love and light from the celestial
realm for this evening by playing his piano during this event. His music
touches you deep within your being allowing you to be more receptive
to directing the healing energies at hand.