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The Festival of Humanity also known as the World Invocation Day is celebrated on the day of the full moon that follows the Wesak Festival.
All light workers around the world gather this day to join in their efforts to bring healing and restoring forces to humanity for a better future for us all.

As we continue to observe the dance between the opposing forces of light and darkness, life and death, love and fear, the effects of this have been felt by many of us. Yet all of this transformation continues to create a new foundation to bring forth a new paradigm for humanity to stand on united in love and peace.
Therefore let's come together to support Earth in her awakening process with the power of invocation and by bringing our focus back to those
areas in our life where harmony, balance, beauty, love and compassion are needed the most.

Meditation led by Brigitte Boyea along with the live music of Mike Snyder.