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Recording of the December 21st 2013 Winter Solstice music meditation class held in Clinton, NJ. St. Germain meditation led by Brigitte Boyea accompanied by the live relaxing music of Mike Snyder.

A full year has passed since a major Earth cycle has come to an end. At
that time a seed of the cosmic heart was planted within the hearts of
humanity and a new consciousness was born, but only in its infancy. Now
it is up to us to manifest a new paradigm here on Earth as we continue to
face our fears and transform them into love and light.
Take this time of the Winter Solstice, a time where a new light is being
born every year, as a call to all of you light carriers that have held on to
the inner divine light and vibration of love no matter what happened in
your life.
St. Germain channeled by Brigitte Boyea will guide you on a journey that
will take you through an alchemical process to merge this light with its
counterpart, the darkness.
There is great power to this type of union. In the merging of that what
opposes each other a transformational force is unleashed that will affect
the matrix of all life, not only on Earth, but also within the Omniverse of
all that is, on its deepest level.
Let the darkness of the Winter Solstice become the womb that gives birth
to a new life.
Mike Snyder will intensify the experience of this evening as he channels
the higher frequencies of love and light from the celestial realm to us by
playing his piano during the event. His music touches you at the core of
your being allowing you to be more receptive to the empowerment and
healing energies at hand.