The 1-11-2015 Council Meeting with the Karmic Board of the Hierarchy of Light recorded live in Clinton, NJ. Meditation by Brigitte Boyea along with the live sound healing music of Mike Snyder.


At the beginning of each new year the Hierarchy of Light
gives mankind the opportunity to step in front of the Karmic Board to
voice its intentions and commitments for the year. Focus here is on
service whether it is service to your fellow Humans, service to Earth
and the Mineral Kingdom, service to the Animal and Plant Kingdom or
service to the Light in general.
The Karmic Board will then seal your commitment into your auric field
and it will be written into your Akashic Records. This in turn will
unleash tremendous transformational forces bringing about changes
necessary for you to optimize your gifts as a light worker in
service. Specific dispensations will be given to further aid and
support you on your chosen path of world service.
Saint Germain as a representative of the Hierarchy of Light will guide
you on this inner journey to the Karmic Board and he will speak to you
through Brigitte Boyea as his channel.
Mike Snyder will also add his powerful gifts as a channel of the
Hierarchy of Light to this evening. He will intensify the experience as
he brings forth the higher frequencies of love and light from the
celestial realm to us by playing his piano during the event. His music
touches you at the core of your being allowing you to be more
receptive to the support and dispensation given to you by the Karmic Board.