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Recorded live on 12-23-2017 in Clinton, NJ. Guided meditation by Brigitte Boyea and live music was played by Mike Snyder.


In 2017 the focus has been on balancing duality within our own
self as well as in our lives. Only trust, faith and surrender to our
Divine I Am Presence allowed us to move through the many tests
of initiation we experienced in the process.
The Winter Solstice is a profound conclusion of these energies felt
in 2017 that were very busy and exhausting on many levels. With
the birth of a new light during the longest night of the year, it
marks a powerful time of new beginnings.
In 2018, a year vibrating to the number 11, we will be moved even
further into a place of mastership on our path of ascension and
awakening. Therefore the light you are giving birth to at the
Winter Solistce will be stronger and more radiant than ever

St. Germain channeled by Brigitte Boyea is going to guide you on a journey
into the great void of nothingness within yourself out of
which all form is born. Thus the darkness of the Winter Solstice
becomes the womb that gives birth to a new life.
There is great power to this type of union with the void. It is a
place where tremendous transformational forces can be unleashed
that will affect the matrix of all life, not only on Earth, but also
within the Omniverse of All That Is, on its deepest level.
Mike Snyder will intensify the experience of this evening as he
channels the higher frequencies of love and light from the
celestial realm to us by playing his piano during the event. His
music touches you at the core of your being allowing you to be
more receptive to the empowerment and healing energies at