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Recorded live in Clinton NJ on 3-24-2018. Guided Meditation by Brigitte Boyea along with live music played by Mike Snyder.

Join us for an Afternoon of Illumination and Purification
with St. Germain
Master of Transformation and Mercy

As we move out of the darker days of the winter months we begin to
witness the first signs of spring. Our heart expands and we can feel
the stirring of a new seed coming alive within our own selves that is
ready to break through the unconscious into its full manifestation in
the physical realm.
Yet this is also a time where we still are a bit fragile from all of the
deep purging and transformational process we have been going
Therefore join us this afternoon and allow the loving guidance and
support of St. Germain to assist you in releasing any residue of the
hardship of the last few months to prepare you for an effortless
transition into a more liberated divine expression of who you are. He
will use Brigitte Boyea as his channel to take you on a journey through
the portal of your heart into the divine light essences of source
consciousness that encompasses all of creation. Through this
connection and alignment you will be experiencing a purification of
body, soul and spirit that brings clarity to all aspects of your life. New
choices can be made, the past can be released and the beginning of a
new life can unfold.
Mike Snyder will also add his powerful gifts as a channel of the
Hierarchy of Light to this afternoon. He will intensify the experience
as he channels the higher frequencies of love and light from the
celestial realm to us by playing his piano during the event. His music
touches you at the core of your being allowing you to be more
receptive to the healing and purification that will take place.