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Recorded live on 2/1/2020 in Clinton, NJ. Guided meditation by Brigitte Boyea along with live music played by Mike Snyder.

St. Brigid, a symbol for the Perseverance of the Light within the Darkness

Join us to prepare for the Imbolc celebration that is so deeply connected to St. Brigid, Druid Triple Goddess of the fire of the hearth, fire of the forge and fire of inspiration. Her main focus is to bring hope into the hearts of mankind in times of darkness.

The day of Imbolc on 2/2/2020 marks the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Hope of warmer days begin to stir as the long, dark and cold nights are starting to make room to the longer days. It might still be one of the coldest months, but the end of the winter months is closer in sight.

Therefore let us get together with St. Brigid, channeled by Brigitte Boyea, one day before the Imbolc festival. She will assist in igniting the fire of hope and strength within our own hearts even further this evening. We then in turn can carry this fire out into the world to help warm the hearts of mankind in these times of great uncertainty and change.

Mike Snyder will intensify the experience as he channels the higher frequencies of love and light from the celestial realm to us by playing his piano during the event. His music touches you at the core of your being allowing you to be more receptive to igniting the fire of hope, peace and inspiration within you.